Flying Squirrel
Many are unaware that we have native Southern Flying Squirrels in the State of Georgia. This squirrel is completely nocturnal, only active at night foraging for food and sleeping through the day. They live in wooded areas near water and nut bearing trees. Although, they are found often inside homes, nesting and collecting food. Adult’s measure 8 to 10 inches in length and weigh in around 1 ½ to 2 ½ ounces. It has earned its name due to this squirrels’ gliding capabilities. Able to glide on average around 160 feet and able to make hairpin 90 degree turns in midair, they have been observed gliding over 100 yards. Flying squirrels during winter often nest in groups to keep each other warm. The average female Flying Squirrel has 3-7 babies and has 1-2 litters per year. Some tell signs of a Flying Squirrel infestation is scurrying activity during the night. We have had numerous customers call stating it sounds like little “bowling balls” rolling in the attic. This is due to the Squirrel collecting food and storing. Tunneling inside insulation is common, as well as finding a “communal latrine” or bathroom as these squirrels’ urine and defecate in one spot, like a Ferret. Request a professional inspection with one of our wildlife experts if you believe you have Flying Squirrels in your home. They have large families and can be difficult to exclude.
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